Check out HDB transacted prices for resale flats within the last 5 years. Use our "HDB Transaction Prices" tool to find out how much HDB resale flats are worth before buying/selling.
How is this data relevant?
1. If you are planning to sell your flat, you can use this data to find out how much your neighbours have sold their flats at to get an estimate on how much your flat is worth.
2. If you're buying a resale flat, you can use this data to see how much the seller have bought their flats at and how much their neighbours have sold their flats at. This will give you an estimate on how much the flat is worth and will help you with creating an offer price to the seller.
3. Find out how much your friends and family have bought their flats at.
4. Play around with the data to find out how much certain flats are worth in any town/district in Singapore.
You can search HDB flats by area/town including: Ang Mo Kio, Bedok, Bishan, Bukit Batok, Bukit Merah, Bukit Panjang, Bukit Timah, Central Area, Choa Chu Kang, Clementi, Geylang, Hougang, Jurong East, Jurong West, Kallang / Whampoa, Marine Parade, Pasir Ris, Punggol, Queenstown, Sembawang, Sengkang, Serangoon, Tampines, Toa Payoh, Woodlands, Yishun.
Please note that the data takes a few seconds to load so please be patient and the data will be with you in just a moment.
Looking to buy or sell a HDB? Write in to us and we can help you out. Simply click the button below and we will assign one of our in-house dedicated salesperson to assist you.
*Disclaimer: data is updated every first week of every month*